A Guide to Tenants’ Rights in Dubai

  • May 7 2023
a guide to tenants’ rights in Dubai

Dubai is a magical city that gives its inhabitants numerous opportunities and better life quality. Thus, many people move to Dubai every year, and a lot of them prefer renting a property in Dubai over buying one.

It’s known that Dubai rental market has recorded a great increase in the past few years. 

As the rental rates grow by an average of 27.7 percent in the year, tenants are most likely to renew their leases. The latest 2023 reports show that Palm Jumeirah itself has recorded the highest rental rates for both apartments and villas, with average annual rents reaching AED260,467 and AED1,017,614, respectively.

It's good to learn about tenants’ rights in Dubai, whether you are moving to this beautiful city or looking to change your rented apartment in Dubai. This knowledge of your rights will protect you from fraud and guarantee your peace of mind. We will cover in this guide everything you need to know about tenants’ rights in Dubai, whether you are a tenant or even a landlord.

Keep reading!

Tenants’ Rights in Dubai

tenants' rights in Dubai  

Are you searching for a flat to rent? Then, learning about tenant rights in Dubai is essential for you. You will guarantee your safety and peace of mind when you know all your rights and obligations toward your landlord.

Regarding Maintenance and Repair

home maintenance  

You have to gather information and learn about every aspect related to the Dubai rental market in order to choose the best for you.

One of the most important things you must know when you rent a property in Dubai is that the landlord is responsible for carrying out the maintenance work and repair. However, this can differ from one rental contract to another. Usually, tenants handle repair and maintenance bills of 500 Dhs for apartments, and 1000 Dhs for villas.

Regarding Contract Renewal

rental contract  

In Dubai, tenants are allowed to renew their rental contracts, if they need to. They only have to inform the landlord 90 days before the contract date ends.
Tenants have the right to stay in their property if the landlord doesn’t have any valid reason to evacuate them. And, if the landlord needs to evacuate the property for any reason, then they have to inform the tenant before time. You have to know that the landlord cannot ask you to leave your house without providing a valid reason such as the ones listed in the Landlord and Tenant Law.

Basically, as a tenant, you have the right to a discrimination-free process, health, safety, habitability, timely responses and privacy.

Responsibilities of Tenants’ in Dubai

RERA tenancy law 

The United Arab Emirates is a country that welcomes a lot of people every year. Most of those prefer to rent an apartment instead of buying one. 

There are the main obligations and responsibilities mentioned in the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) tenancy contract that all the tenants in Dubai must know before renting a property:

Article 19
The tenant must pay the agreed rent on the due date. The tenant cannot carry out any maintenance, restoration or make any changes to the property unless the landlord permits it.

Article 21
At the end of the lease agreement, it’s also incumbent upon the tenant to surrender the property in the same condition, with the exception of ordinary wear and tear.

Article 22
Unless the landlord and tenant have agreed otherwise, the latter is responsible for the payment of necessary taxes and fees that are due to the relevant government departments.

Article 23
At the time of vacating the property, the tenant must not remove any improvements made, unless otherwise agreed upon between the parties.

Also Read: What Documents Are Needed to Rent a Property in Dubai? A Detailed Guide

RERA Rules for Tenants

residential property for rent 

 The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) was established in Dubai as a regulatory branch of the Dubai Land Department. The RERA department is in charge of regulating the relationship between a landlord and a renter in accordance with Dubai’s tenancy rules.

The RERA tenancy law in Dubai defines four main laws:

Law No. (26) of 2007
Law N.26 regulates the relationship between landlords and tenants in Dubai. The Real Estate Regulatory Agency has clear contractual parameters that provide the smooth functioning of the rental property market in Dubai.

Law No. (33) of 2008
This law amended certain articles of Law No. (26) of 2007 and also governs the landlord-tenant relationship in Dubai. It's also obligatory for the tenant or landlord to register the tenancy contract with the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) through Ejari. This law guarantees that the property is not leased twice.

Decree No. (26) of 2013
This law is related to the establishment of the Rent Disputes Settlement Centre (RDSC), which handles all types of rental disputes in Dubai.

Article 6 of Law (26) of 2007 
This article declares that if the tenancy contract in Dubai expires and the tenant continues to live in the property without objection from the landlord, the term of tenancy will be extended automatically for the same period of one year (whichever is less), on the same terms and conditions.

Decree No. (43) of 2013
This law controls rent increases in Dubai.

Also Read: Ejari Registration in Dubai: An Ultimate Guide


rent a property in Dubai

What is Article 14 of The Dubai Rental Law?

Article 14 of the rental law in Dubai says that “Unless otherwise agreed by the parties if either party to the tenancy contract wishes to amend any of its terms under Article (13) of this law, that party must notify the other party of same no less than ninety (90) days before the date on which the tenancy contract expires.” This article protects the tenants and keeps them in their rental property until they find another one.

What is Article 16 of Dubai Tenancy Law?

Article 16 of Dubai tenancy law says that “Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the landlord will, during the term of the Lease Contract, be responsible for the real property' maintenance works and for repairing any defect or damage that may affect the tenants intended use of the real property.” So, you can contact the landlord directly if you need maintenance for your rented property in Dubai. 

How Much Notice Does a Landlord Have to Give a Tenant to Move Out in Dubai?

In the Emirate of Dubai, the landlord is obliged to serve a minimum of a 12-month notice to the tenant to vacate the apartment at any period of the tenancy contract. The 12-month notice prior to eviction is non-negotiable.

Can a Landlord Evict a Tenant Without a Valid Reason in Dubai?

No! The landlord can’t ask you to leave your rented property in Dubai without a valid reason, as clarified in Article 25 of Law No. (26) of 2007. The landlord must issue a written 30-day eviction notice via registered mail or public notice company in order to notify the tenant. Otherwise, tenants have the right to stay in their leased property.

How Much Notice Should a Landlord Provide a Tenant Before Increasing the Rent?

The landlord should wait until the lease contract ends if the tenant is on a long-term lease in order to increase the rent.

However, if the tenant is renting month to month, the landlord must give the tenant a 30-day notice before the beginning of the increased-month rent.

Who is Responsible for Maintenance and Repairs in a Rental Property in Dubai?

Due to Dubai Tenancy Law, the landlord is responsible for the maintenance works and repairs of any damage occurs to the leased property, which may affect the tenant's intended use thereof, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. As provided in Article 16 of Dubai Tenancy Law.

Can a landlord enter a rental property without the tenant's permission in Dubai?

No! Unless agreed before by the tenant in the rental contract and in certain circumstances, the landlord cannot enter a rental property without the tenant’s permission. Once you rent a property, it’s yours until the rental contract ends, and no one can enter it without your permission.

What is the process for filing a complaint with the Dubai Rental Dispute Center?

You can file a complaint at the Dubai Land Department’s Rent Disputes Settlement Centre. You will need the following documents when filling out the rental dispute.

- Passport and Visa

- Emirates ID

- Ejari certificate

- Original blue tenancy contract

- Recent DEWA bills

- Rental deposit slip

- Copies of cheques issued to the landlord

- Title Deed and Passport copy of landlord (originals are required if you are the landlord)

- Copies of any correspondence between tenant and landlord regarding the rental increase or dispute at hand

- Any other documentation that can help support your case

- If the dispute concerns a commercial property, you will need all documentation related to the business (trade licenses, etc.).


How can Tenants Protect Themselves from Unfair Rental Practices in Dubai?

If mistreatment happens, tenants can file a complaint at the Dubai Land Department’s Rent Disputes Settlement Centre. You can find their head office in Deira.


Whether you are renting a house, villa, or even a commercial property in Dubai, knowing your rights will protect you against several issues that might come up in the future. As mentioned before, you have the right as a tenant to stay in your leased property if the landlord doesn’t previously notice you.

Also, the Dubai Rental Law protects tenants against surprising raises in rental fees. It’s a fabulous city to live in, and now you get the acknowledgement about the laws. So, what are you waiting for?

If you want to start your rental with an affordable price, 0% commission and an easy-to-go process, Al Majid Property is here for you. Contact us if you have any other questions about the tenants’ rights in Dubai or want to overview our available properties for rent in Dubai.